NAV Navbar
  • Introduction
  • Authentication
  • Blog Posts
  • Downloads
  • Gameserver
  • System Services
  • Conclusion
  • Introduction

    # Due to the SSL on our API, you must use
    # Python 3 in order to make any API requests.
    # If you don't, you'll get this nasty error:
    # requests.exceptions.SSLError: [SSL: SSLV3_ALERT_HANDSHAKE_FAILURE] sslv3 alert handshake failure (_ssl.c:661)

    Welcome to The Legend of Pirates Online API!

    You can use our API to access The Legend of Pirates Online API endpoints, which can get information on news, servers and system status.

    All API requests must be made using HTTPS, not HTTP.


    Login API


    All calls to the API should be made via a HTTP POST to using an urlencoded form. To do this, add 'Content-type' : 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' to your headers.


    The following tables outline the required parameters for both cases:

    General Accounts

    Sample Code - General Account

    import requests 
    import urllib
    params = urllib.urlencode({'username' : 'your_username_here',
                               'password' : 'your_password_here'})
    headers = {'Content-Type' : 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'}
    r ='', data=params, headers=headers)
    Params Description
    username The username of the account you desire to login to.
    password The password of the account you desire to login to.

    Account with Two-factor Authentication

    Sample Code - 2FA Account

    import requests
    import urllib
    params = urllib.urlencode({'username' : 'your_username_here',
                               'password' : 'your_password_here',
                               'gtoken'   : 'your_2fa_token_here'})
    headers = {'Content-Type' : 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'}
    r ='', data=params, headers=headers)
    Params Description
    username The username of the account you desire to login to.
    password The password of the account you desire to login to.
    gtoken The account's active two-factor authentication token.

    Security Note

    We strongly recommend requiring players to enter their username and password each time they use a launcher. If an unauthorized user gains access to another player's account and violates the Terms of Service, the account owner will still be held responsible.

    API Response

    The API will respond in one of 12 ways.

    Response Code Description
    UnknownError 0 An unknown error has occurred.
    Invalid ID/Pass 1 The submitted Username/Password was incorrect.
    Server Error 2 A server error has occurred.
    Two Step Required 3 This account has two-step authentication enabled.
    Account Disabled 4 This account is banned or disabled.
    Server Closed 5 The server is closed.
    IP Blacklisted 6 This IP is banned.
    Success 7 This account has successfully logged in.
    Email Unverified 8 This account's email has not been verified.
    No Playtime 9 This account does not have an active playtime.
    Rate Limited 10 This account is trying to log in too quickly.
    Arrrmor 11 This account is logging in from an unknown location.

    Failure responses

    If any one of these responses are received, the login process has ended with an error. The launcher will notify the player that an error has occurred and prompt them with the reason.

    JSON Responses

    {"status": 1,
     "message": "Incorrect username and/or password."}
    {"status": 4,
     "message": "This account is on hold. Please login to for more information."}
    {"status": 5,
     "message": "The Legend of Pirates Online is currently closed for an update. We'll be back up soon!"}
    {"status": 8,
     "message": "This account's email hasn't been verified yet. Please check yer email."}
    {"status": 9,
     "message": "Ye do not have an active session right now.  Ye can sign up for one on our website!"}
    /* RATE LIMITED */
    {"status": 10,
     "message": "Ye are trying to login too fast.  Please try again in one minute."}
    /* ARRMOR */
    {"status": 11,
     "message": "Ye are trying to login from a new location. Please check yer email."}

    Status 1: Invalid username/password

    The submitted Username/Password was incorrect.

    Status 4: Account Banned

    This account is banned or disabled.

    Status 5: Server Closed

    The servers are currently closed for an update.

    Status 8: Email Unverified

    This account's email hasn't been verified yet.

    Status 9: No Active Playtime

    Deprecated - No active playtime for the account.

    Status 10: Rate Limited

    If an account sends too many login requests over a period of time.

    Status 11: Arrrmor

    Two-step security using geolocation data. Read more here.

    Successful responses

    Partial-success: Two-Step Required

    JSON Response - Partical Success

    {"status": "3",
     "message": "A two-factor authentication code is required to login."}

    You must send another request to the login API containing the user-supplied authentication token using the gtoken parameter. If this token is invalid and/or expired, you will receive another partial-success login. You must send the username and password again when sending this follow-up request.

    Successful Login

    JSON Response - Success

    {"status": "7",
     "message": "Have fun!",
     "token": "12345678abcdefgh",
     "gameserver": ""}

    You have successfully authenticated with the API.

    You have received the following API response and are now able to run the client using the token and gameserver provided.

    Running the Client

    Upon receiving a status 7 response, you will have all of the proper information you need to login on the client.

    To login on the client, set the following environment variables containing the information provided by the login API and then run the client.

    Sample Code

    import os
    os.environ['TLOPO_GAMESERVER'] = url_from_server
    os.environ['TLOPO_PLAYCOOKIE'] = cookie_from_server
    # Open client here.
    Environment Variable Description
    TLOPO_GAMESERVER The gameserver provided by the API.
    TLOPO_PLAYCOOKIE The token provided by the API.

    Blog Posts

    Launcher News API

    Calling the API

    To contact the API, submit a HTTPS GET request to the API URL.

    Sample Code

    import requests 
    r = requests.get('')

    API Response

    The API will respond with a pre-formatted HTML document. This API is used inside TLOPO's launchers to render the 10 most recent blog posts.

    The HTML responded will not contain any kind of background. The intention is for our launchers to overlay this HTML on the 'Game News' section, thus having a background provided there.

    News Feed API

    Calling the API

    To contact the API, submit a HTTPS GET request to the API URL.

    Sample Code

    import requests 
    r = requests.get('')

    By default, the URL will respond with the latest 5 news posts. If you wish to receive a different amount, such as the latest 10, you must submit your GET request with the following structure:

    API Response

    The API will respond a list of JSON objects. Each JSON object will have the following keys:

    JSON Response

    {"url": "",
     "date": "2017-12-13 19:00:00",
     "author": "John Carver",
     "id": 126,
     "title": "Twelve Days of Celebration!"}
    Key Value
    author This is the author of the blog post.
    date This is the date and time the blog post was published.
    id This is the blog post's id/number.
    title This is the title of the blog post.
    url This is the direct URL to the blog post.

    Release Notes Feed API

    Calling the API

    To contact the API, submit a HTTPS GET request to the API URL.

    Sample Code

    import requests
    r = requests.get('')

    By default, the URL will respond with the latest 5 releases. If you wish to receive a different amount, such as the latest 10, you must submit your GET request with the following structure:

    API Response

    The API will respond a list of JSON objects. Each JSON object will have the following keys:

    JSON Response

    {"url": "",
     "date": "2017-12-13 19:00:00",
     "version": "4.3.2"}
    Key Value
    date This is the date and time the release note was published.
    version This is the release note's version number.
    url This is the direct URL to the release note.

    News Notification API

    Calling the API

    To contact the API, submit a HTTPS GET request to the API URL.

    Sample Code

    import requests 
    r = requests.get('')

    API Response

    If there is an active banner, the API will respond a JSON object with the following keys:

    JSON Response

    {"message": "The Legend of Pirates Online is
                 currently closed for an update.
                 We'll be back up soon!",
     "datetime": "2018-01-07 19:33"}
    Key Value
    datetime This is the date and time the banner was published.
    message This is the message inside the banner.

    If there is not an active banner, the API will respond an empty JSON object.


    Download API

    Download URLs

    Sample Code - Windows Download Server

    import requests 
    r = requests.get('')

    Sample Code - Stream Request

    import requests 
    r = requests.get('', stream=True)
    with open(filename, 'wb') as content:
        for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size=128):

    Sample Code - Decompress bz2

    import requests
    from bz2 import BZ2Decompressor
    r = requests.get('', stream=True)
    decompressor = BZ2Decompressor()
    with open('resources/default/', 'wb') as content:
        for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size=128):

    Download urls must be built depending on the host operating system, the filepath, and the file followed by .bz2.

    Distribution Operating System Download Server and OS Name
    Live (Prod) Server Windows
    Live (Prod) Server MacOS
    Live (Prod) Server Linux Not Available
    Test Server Windows
    Test Server MacOS
    Test Server Linux
    Dev (QA) Server Windows
    Dev (QA) Server MacOS
    Dev (QA) Server Linux

    Note: Inconsistencies due to Test/QA running on "Pypperoni" compiler codebase. Live files will be very different from Test/QA. Installing to same directory may result in issues.

    Patcher JSON

    Calling the API

    Sample Code - Windows Download Server

    import requests
    r = requests.get('')

    To contact the API, submit a HTTPS GET request to the API URL.

    API Response

    JSON Response - Windows Download Server

    {"files": {
            "resources/default/": {
                "path": "resources/default",
                "hash": "5da15c4",
                "patches": [
    "launcher-version": "1.4.0", 
    "server-version": "1.24.8", 
    "mac_launcher_version": "1.5.2"}

    The API will respond with a large JSON object containing 4 keys; 3 for versions, and the 4th key "files". The files top-level key contains sub-keys for every file for a client installation.

    The name of the sub-key contains the path and file name. For example, resources/default/ is the path and is the file. These paths are to be used for both when saving the files to the client, and when downloading from from the server.

    For instance, to download the file we would call Refer to the Download API section for more information.

    Each file key has the following sub-keys:

    Key Value
    path The path for download and saving
    hash SHA256 file hash - 1st 7 characters
    patches Patch files, see the patching section


    Downloading a Patch

    Use the standard download API format along with patcher/<PATCHFILE.patch>.bz2

    For example,

    Applying a Patch

    TLOPO's standard launcher comes bundled with patcher.exe or, a command line tool to apply patches.

    patcher <patch_file> <old_file>


    Ocean API

    Calling the API

    To contact the API, submit a HTTPS GET request to the API URL.

    Sample Code

    import requests 
    r = requests.get('')

    API Response

    The API will respond a large JSON object containing numerous keys. Each top-level key is the ocean's "base channel", which differentiates each server from one another inside TLOPO's internal network.

    For example, 401000000 is Abassa and 413000000 is Poderoso.

    Each of these keys will have the value of another JSON object. That object contains the following keys:

    Ocean Information

    Key Value
    available This is whether or not the ocean is enterable.
    created This is the time the server started in epoch.
    fleet This is information regarding any active fleets.
    invasion This is information regarding any active invasion.
    name This is the name of the ocean.
    population This is the ocean's current population count.

    JSON Response

    {"401000000": {"available": true,
                   "name": "Abassa",
                   "created": 1515367988,
                   "fleet": {
                       "started": 1515371588.921096,
                       "shipsRemaining": 1,
                       "state": "deployed",
                       "type": "qar"},
                   "invasion": {},
                   "population": 271}}

    fleet and invasion both will contain a JSON object value which contains information regarding each of their statuses respectively.


    Key Value
    shipsRemaining This is number of remaining ships in the fleet.
    started This is the time the fleet started in epoch.
    state This is the current status of the fleet.
    type This is the type of fleet currently sailing.


    This feature is still under development. When invasions are released we will update this API doc.

    System Services

    Online Status API

    Calling the API

    To contact the API, submit a HTTPS GET request to the API URL.

    Sample Code

    import requests 
    r = requests.get('')

    API Response

    The API will respond with a large JSON object. This object will have the following keys:

    Key Value
    message This is a special message when our system status cannot be displayed.
    notices This is the active notices posted our system status.
    servers This is a listing of each server and their status.
    status This is the current overall status of our services.

    JSON Response

        "status": 1,
        "servers": {
            "web": [
                {"status": 1, "name": "API 2"},
            "oceans": [
                {"status": 1, "name": "Valor"},
            "gameserver_functions": [
                {"status": 1, "name": "Inventory Manager"},
            "client_agents": [
                {"status": 1, "name": "Connection Agent 3"},
        "notices": {
            "2018-01-05 11:03:45.955882": {
                "text": "This is a published notice regarding a widespread outage.",
                "flag": 16
        "message": "If the status cannot be shown, this message will explain why."


    The notices key will contain additional keys. Their values will have all active system status notices as a timestamp key. These notices give information in update form regarding outages, updates, or other detected system issues. Those timestamp keys will have the following values:

    Key Value
    text The message published in the notice.
    flag The type of notice published.

    There are currently 5 types of flags. Each flag represents a different type of notice, as shown below:

    Flag Description
    1 All systems are alive and operational.
    2 Non-error information regarding status.
    4 Update information regarding prior status.
    8 Information regarding an isolated error.
    16 Information regarding a widespread outage.


    The servers key will contain a JSON object value which breaks down each server into their respective category:

    Category Description
    client_agents TLOPO's Client/Connection Agents
    gameserver_functions TLOPO's Internal Gameserver Services
    oceans TLOPO's Oceans In-game
    web TLOPO's Web Services

    Each of these categories are keys. Each key will have a list value containing multiple JSON objects. Each of objects are the servers in that category. They will have following information:

    Key Value
    name The name of the server.
    status The server's online status as 1 or 0.


    Do you have a suggestion for an API? Send us an email at [email protected]!

    Would you like to make a contribution to our API doc? Check us out on GitHub!